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Facial Fat Grafting in Miami, FL

How Fat Grafting Works

Facial Fat Grafting with Dr. Stephan Baker in Miami, FL

As we age, our facial tissues lose their stores of collagen and fat that provide smooth skin and youthful volume. Over time, the fat loss can cause you to develop deep facial wrinkles or a gaunt facial appearance. While synthetic fillers are available to restore your youthful complexion, some patients don’t qualify as candidates due to allergies or skin sensitivity, and these fillers only offer a temporary solution. The facial fat transfer procedure is the ideal facial rejuvenation treatment for many women and men because it restores facial volume with your own body’s fat and enhances the results of facial rejuvenation surgery with a minimally invasive approach. We strive to deliver the best facial fat grafting Miami has to offer, so if you live in Miami, FL, contact us to schedule a consultation.

Miami facial fat grafting model on black and white

Naturally Plump and Refill Aging Skin

What is facial fat grafting?

With facial fat grafting, fat is harvested from another area of the body (often the hips) and injected subdermally into another area to provide plumping, smoothing, or reshaping. Transferred fat can be carefully injected to plump out hollow or gaunt areas of the face and smooth lines and deep wrinkles. Facial fat transfer is the perfect facial rejuvenation option for individuals who have allergies or risk of adverse reactions to injectable fillers like JUVÉDERM®, Restylane®, BELOTERO BALANCE®, and JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC.

Facial Fat Grafting by Dr. Stephan Baker in Miami, FL

Performing each facial fat grafting procedure personally, Dr. Baker is guided by a keen eye for artistry and in-depth medical knowledge. Dr. Baker will work with you every step of the way to plan and execute a safe, effective procedure that delivers naturally beautiful results.

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“I do every procedure three times. I do it all in my head in advance. I do the actual surgery. I review it all from start to finish to look for ways to improve. This way, each procedure I do is my best work.”

Dr. Stephan Baker

What can fat grafting do?

Benefits of Facial Fat Transfer

Facial fat grafting is a popular and natural way to add volume to your face and help reduce signs of aging. This procedure uses your own body fat, which means the results look and feel very natural. Plus, the effects can last a long time as the fat merges smoothly with your facial features.

Enhanced Facial Volume

When facial fat tissue diminishes, you can develop shallow cheeks or hollows under the eyes. For many patients, facial volume loss leaves them looking chronically fatigued and strips them of a bright, happy complexion. Facial Fat transfer takes patient-harvested fat cells and carefully injects it in the areas of the face with deep volume loss. Enhancing facial volume restores a fuller and refreshed appearance.

Smooth Facial Wrinkles

Facial wrinkles are a major culprit in aging your facial appearance. Men and women generally develop wrinkles around the nose, mouth, and lips. Wrinkles can become etched deep in your facial tissues and become difficult to treat using over-the-counter creams. Fat transfer uses your own natural fat to fill in wrinkles and treats deep wrinkles by targeting the underlying layers of skin. Facial fat grafting is ideal for smoothing facial wrinkles for a brighter, more youthful complexion.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Facial Fat Grafting?

Candidates for facial fat grafting are typically individuals who want to address facial volume loss or wrinkles without using synthetic fillers. This procedure is ideal for those who prefer a long-term, natural solution. Good candidates are in overall good health, have realistic expectations, and have enough fat in donor areas for harvesting.

Patients experiencing significant skin laxity may achieve the best results when combining facial fat grafting with procedures like a facelift. Dr. Baker will evaluate your specific needs during your consultation.

Take the First Step

What can I expect from my consultation?

Your Miami facial fat grafting consultation is designed to properly inform both you and Dr. Baker of the expected results and goals that you wish to achieve through fat transfer. Dr. Baker will evaluate your body type to determine if you are a good candidate for a facial fat transfer. A custom treatment plan is developed to target your specific needs and help you achieve your ideal results. Contact our helpful staff to schedule a consultation today.

Miami facial fat grafting model on black and white

Plump and Fill Without Synthetics

Facial Fat Grafting Preparation and Procedure

The nature of the fat transfer procedure, coupled with Dr. Baker’s high standard of care, makes it one of the safest injectable treatments available. Firstly, we use a gentle, safe syringe to harvest fatty tissue from an area of your body, typically the hips. The fat is processed and purified, removing any unwanted oils.

Dr. Baker then carefully and skillfully injects the fat into the face to restore facial volume and fill wrinkles. The surgeon grafts the fat using a microcannula that results in micrografts, the depositing of small amounts of fat during a single pass of the cannula. The micrografting technique provides the smoothest, longest-lasting results. Facial Fat grafting has zero risk of allergic reactions or body rejection because it utilizes the patient’s own harvested fat. Fat that remains after the initial recovery period is permanent, providing years of beautiful results. Lastly, the fat transfer procedure takes about one and a half hours, and we sedate the patient beforehand.

Addressing Any Concerns You May Have

Facial Fat Grafting Recovery, Results, and Aftercare


You should expect some bruising and swelling of the face and at your liposuction sites. Resting with your head elevated and applying cold packs to the face will help minimize bruising and swelling. You should be able to return to work within a week of your procedure. Our Miami facial fat grafting patients with only minor corrections may find that they can return to work as soon as four days after surgery. You can resume your regular exercise routine three weeks after your procedure. Excess swelling should subside within four weeks.


The microcannula used to graft fat to your face won’t leave any visible incisions or scars. However, some patients may develop scarring at their liposuction site(s). Great care is taken to place liposuction incisions in discreet locations that can be easily concealed with clothing or underwear. Any scarring that does develop is likely to fade over time.

Miami facial fat grafting model with brown hair

Maintaining your facial fat transfer results

Results You desire

Some of the initial fat injected will be absorbed in the months following your treatment; however, most patients retain enough fat to provide them with the results they desire. Your facial fat grafting results will last for several years, after which future aging may require a second treatment.

Why Choose Dr. Stephan Baker for Facial Fat Grafting?

Dr. Stephan Baker combines exceptional skill with a personalized approach to deliver natural, beautiful results. His expertise in advanced facial rejuvenation ensures every procedure is tailored to the patient’s unique anatomy and goals.

Dr. Baker performs all surgeries in a fully accredited facility to guarantee the highest safety standards. His meticulous micrografting technique ensures smooth, consistent results with minimal downtime. By focusing on patient-centered care, Dr. Baker is committed to helping individuals achieve the refreshed, youthful appearance they desire.

Cost of Facial Fat Grafting

The price of facial fat grafting can change based on how much work needs to be done and which areas are being treated. This cost includes fees for liposuction and fat transfer, as well as charges for anesthesia and the facility where the procedure takes place. Dr. Baker's office offers personalized estimates during consultations, making sure everything is clear and providing options for financing to help make the procedure more affordable. Many patients find that the long-lasting results of fat grafting make it a worthwhile choice.

Facial Fat GraftingFrequently Asked Questions

The facial fat grafting procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure with the patient under sedation, local anesthesia, or general anesthesia administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist to ensure a safe and pain-free procedure. You might experience some discomfort the first several days following your surgery, but this can be controlled with oral pain medication.

Dermal fillers are injected into wrinkles or the cheeks to plump the skin and also to erase wrinkles. Fillers are ideal for patients who desire a quick and efficient fix or who don’t have the required amount of fat stores for transfer.

Facial fat grafting offers long-lasting results. While some fat is absorbed naturally within the first few months, the remaining fat integrates with the facial tissue and can provide volume for several years.

The procedure has a longer recovery period compared to synthetic fillers, and some patients may require touch-ups due to fat absorption. However, the natural, durable results often outweigh these considerations for most individuals.

One of the few downsides of a facial fat transfer is the more extensive recovery period. Dermal fillers may result in some bruising and swelling that lasts several days, but patients can immediately resume their regular activities after treatment. However, many patients feel that the extensive recovery associated with fat transfer is worth the years of correction that dermal fillers cannot achieve.

If you live near Miami, FL, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stephan Baker offers facial fat grafting among his services, conveniently located at 3850 Bird Road, Suite 702, Miami, FL, 33146. Schedule your appointment today.

Facial fat grafting is a highly effective alternative to fillers for patients seeking a natural and long-lasting alternative. It offers both facial rejuvenation and body contouring benefits, making it a worthwhile option for many.

Facial fat grafting is suitable for adults of all ages, though it is most commonly performed on individuals in their 30s to 50s when volume loss and fine lines become more noticeable.

The care you deserveThe results you want

Achieve your goals with Dr. Stephan Baker

Dr. Baker offers an inimitable treatment experience with a highly personalized, precision-based approach. With extreme dedication, Dr. Baker takes the time to ensure that every detail of your treatment is designed uniquely for you with optimal safety, effectiveness, and compassion. Take the first step toward your best possible outcome by scheduling your in-office or virtual consultation with Dr. Baker today.

Merrick Pointe

3850 Bird Road Suite 702, Miami, FL 33146

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